Quality & Safety

  • FLANDERS Quality Policy

    Policy Statement

    • Quality in everything we do is integral to all our working practices. It is critical to the success of our business and our long-term sustainability and profitability. FLANDERS employees and leadership are committed to working together focusing on S.Q.R.P.:

      • Safety: Provide a safe, efficient, and productive work environment for all employees by employing the best practices from customer, statutory, regulatory, and industry practices.
      • Quality: Focus on our quality of work in all aspects of our business and provide our customers with the agreed-upon quality standard for our products and services.
      • Reliability: We are committed to being a dependable partner with our customers. We provide them with quality products and services that improve their equipment performance in a cost-effective manner, on time, every time.
      • Productivity: Provide innovative solutions that enable our customers to increase their productivity and safety while employing continuous improvement methodologies to maximize our productivity.
      Latest Revision Date: 1/26/2023