FLANDERS headquarters | corporate office

Evansville, Indiana, USA

Evansville, Indiana has been our hometown and headquarters since the 1940s, when we were known as Flanders Electric Motor Repair. It’s also home to our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and our specialty shop for tooling, die-making, and development of automated assembly machines—which we do both for our own operation and for clients.

FLANDERS manufacturing

Evansville, Indiana, USA

Evansville is home to our world-class manufacturing facilities that include CNC mills, laser cutting machines, 110-ton capacity cranes, an in-house 5.1 MW generator, a dynamometer for testing the largest existing motors, and many other advanced technologies—including manufacturing innovations we’ve developed ourselves. We also have specialized shops for coils, commutators, and tooling and die-cutting.

Custom manufacturing Tooling & assembly machines Our test capabilities

  • Brazil

    Itabira Field Office
    82 – 3 Vila Lobos Ave.
    Esplanada da Estacao
    Itabira, MG 35900-055
    Email Itabira

  • Chile

    Antofagasta Field Office
    Ruta 26, KM15, SN Sector
    Salar del Carmen
    Antofagasta, CL
    +56-55-2896077 (fax)
    Email Antofagasta

  • Lima, Peru

    Peru Central Office
    Calle Monte Rosa 284, Oficina 401
    Chacarilla, Santiago de Surco
    Lima 15038, Peru
    Email Lima

  • Arequipa, Peru

    Arequipa Shop
    Calle Jacinto Ibáñez 111
    Arequipa, Peru
    Email Lima